Ear Infections (Otitis)

Causes of Otitis:

1. Parasites: Mites can cause irritation and inflammation.
2. Infections: Bacterial or yeast infections often occur secondary to other underlying issues such as allergies or anatomical abnormalities.
3. Allergies: Environmental or food allergies can lead to inflammation and itchiness in the ears.
4. Anatomy: Breeds with long, floppy ears or excessive hair in the ear canal are more prone to ear infections due to poor air circulation and moisture retention.
5. Foreign Bodies: Objects like grass awns, seeds, or small insects can become lodged in the ear canal, causing irritation and infection.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Scratching or rubbing at the ears
  • Head shaking or tilting
  • Redness or swelling of the ear canal
  • Discharge (brown, yellow, or bloody)
  • Foul odor from the ears
  • Pain or sensitivity when the ears are touched
  • Hearing loss (in severe cases)


Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination of your pet’s ears, which may include:

  • Otoscopic examination (using a special instrument to visualize the ear canal and ear drum)
  • Microscopic examination of ear swabs to identify causative agents (bacteria, yeast, or mites)


Treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. It may include:

1 Cleaning: Your veterinarian may clean your pet’s ears to remove debris, wax, and discharge. In some cases, sedation may be necessary for thorough cleaning.

2. Medication:

  • Topical Medications: Ear drops or ointments containing antibiotics, antifungals, and/or anti-inflammatory agents may be prescribed.
  • Systemic Medications: In severe cases or when the infection is widespread, oral antibiotics or antifungals may be necessary.
  • Pain/Itch Relief: Your veterinarian may prescribe anti-inflammatory or immunomodulating medications to reduce pain and itchiness while infection is clearing.

3. Underlying Condition Management: If allergies contribute to otitis externa, your veterinarian may recommend allergy medications, dietary changes, or surgical correction.

4. Follow-up: Regular follow-up appointments may be necessary to monitor your pet’s progress and ensure that the infection has cleared.


  • Regular Ear Checks: Check your pet’s ears regularly for signs of redness, discharge, or odor.
  • Ear Cleaning: Clean your pet’s ears as recommended by your veterinarian using a gentle, veterinary-approved ear cleaner.
  • Allergy Management: If your pet suffers from allergies, work with your veterinarian to manage them effectively to reduce the risk of ear infections.
  • Avoid Moisture: Keep your pet’s ears dry, especially after swimming or bathing. Moisture can create an environment conducive to bacterial and yeast growth.

Otitis is a common ear condition in cats and dogs, but with prompt veterinary care and proper management, it can be effectively treated and managed. By understanding the causes, signs, and preventive measures, you can help keep your pet’s ears healthy and happy. For any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s ear health, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian.

Helpful Resources for Owners:

How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears
Your Vet Wants You To Know Podcast (available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and at yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com)

  • Episode 44: Ear Infections – Understanding Causes
  • Episode 45: Ear Infections – Tests and Treatments
  • Episode 56: Ear Cleaning and Cooperative Care


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St. Peters, MO 63376

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Sat: 8am - 1pm
Sun: Closed

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